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Recycling garbage can

So the main project of this semester was a recycling garbage can, well anything that has to do with recycling, I chose to make a garbage can for canteens with an integrated can compacter. I got 70% on it, I should be around the 5th with that, well at least among the first 10..

this is the model I made ,it is 1/3 scale made out of plastic, polystyrene

main part with compacter the 3 parts

whole garbage the open model

can squash mechanism

These are the 3D illustrations I made with 3ds max2, these were done long before the model or the final plans. Well I have to teach those guys who to use a computer. I blew everybody away ,from first to last year.

garbage 3dmax22modules

3dsmax2 garbage3D in our cantine photo

How do you like the 3D model I put in the photo of our canteen. looks good. Below are the radiosity renderings

radiosity solutionradiosity solution2

And some more Pictures:

This was the original picture of the cantine